Joy to the Home Journal, April | Why Faux?

I hope you are enjoying spring.
We're feeling refreshed this spring with a sense of renewal. Faux artist and author Adrienne van Dooren has given me fresh inspiration to complete our Habitat for Humanity project for the TV show Flip That House.
After my husband Brian passed on, I was painting the bedrooms in the fixer by myself and feeling miserable. Today, I'm receiving love and support from volunteer artists and local businesses. Adrienne, who just happened to also support Habitat for Humanity with a book, gathered faux artists to help me take our project to a new level.
I hope you are enjoying spring.
We're feeling refreshed this spring with a sense of renewal. Faux artist and author Adrienne van Dooren has given me fresh inspiration to complete our Habitat for Humanity project for the TV show Flip That House.
After my husband Brian passed on, I was painting the bedrooms in the fixer by myself and feeling miserable. Today, I'm receiving love and support from volunteer artists and local businesses. Adrienne, who just happened to also support Habitat for Humanity with a book, gathered faux artists to help me take our project to a new level.
New York artist Arlene Mcloughlin is painting a ceiling mural for our faux flip. (In the picture, she's painting a different ceiling.)
Why Faux?
You've heard of wi-fi? Well, in this article, we're going to talk about why Faux is becoming a hot trend in home remodeling. Faux finishes can make a dramatic change in the look and feel of a house, and the possibilities for using faux techniques are virtually endless. Read about Faux Art.
Past articles from Joy to the Home Journal posted on the main website:
Do You Want to Become an Interior Designer?
Why You Might Want to Decorate Yourself/What is an interior decorator?
Interior Designers' Ideas Help You with Home Decorating Gain Inspiration from the Great Interior Designers
Elsie de Wolfe's Interior Design Philosophy and Style
Dorothy Draper, the Martha Stewart of her day
Mario Buatta: Five Interior Design Philosophies Help Homemakers
Residential Design Guide Features articles on Ranch, Tudor, and Green Styles
Joy to your home,
Jeanette Fisher
America's "Dream Home" Maker
Joy to the Home, Design Psychology
Homes for glorious living and top-dollar sales
Flip That House with FAUX for Habitat for Humanity Project
Faux Art for you:
Book by Adrienne van Dooren: Faux House gives you inspiration to redesign one corner, a room, or an entire house. Plus, you get to help Katrina victims. Enjoy!
Why Faux?
You've heard of wi-fi? Well, in this article, we're going to talk about why Faux is becoming a hot trend in home remodeling. Faux finishes can make a dramatic change in the look and feel of a house, and the possibilities for using faux techniques are virtually endless. Read about Faux Art.
Past articles from Joy to the Home Journal posted on the main website:
Do You Want to Become an Interior Designer?
Why You Might Want to Decorate Yourself/What is an interior decorator?
Interior Designers' Ideas Help You with Home Decorating Gain Inspiration from the Great Interior Designers
Elsie de Wolfe's Interior Design Philosophy and Style
Dorothy Draper, the Martha Stewart of her day
Mario Buatta: Five Interior Design Philosophies Help Homemakers
Residential Design Guide Features articles on Ranch, Tudor, and Green Styles
Joy to your home,
Jeanette Fisher
America's "Dream Home" Maker
Joy to the Home, Design Psychology
Homes for glorious living and top-dollar sales
Flip That House with FAUX for Habitat for Humanity Project
Faux Art for you:
Book by Adrienne van Dooren: Faux House gives you inspiration to redesign one corner, a room, or an entire house. Plus, you get to help Katrina victims. Enjoy!
Faux classes and supplies in Southern California: FauxMasters
Faux Contractor in Temecula Valley: Mark Mason can take out walls, build an arch, and then faux it.